The Power of Belief from Your Support System as a Mompreneur

As you go along on this thrilling adventure, remember one thing – belief is the catalyst to achieving greatness. Surround yourself with individuals who believe in your vision and goals. With their unwavering support, you can conquer any obstacle and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

Lessons for Mom Entrepreneurs from Rihanna

Rihanna Superbowl Kelisha Mills

You may know Rihanna as a multi-talented singer, songwriter, and actress, and that she’s also a highly successful businesswoman. That success has more than quadrupled after her fanous Superbowl Halftime show!

National Entrepreneurship Month- A Celebration of WINS!

Ultimate Mompreneur Brunch with Kelisha Mills Elizabeth Montano Panelist

It’s November 1st, which marks National Entrepreneurship Month. It is an annual event in November that celebrates innovators, job creators and risk-takers. It’s a time to recognize their contributions to our economy and society.

This month is an opportunity for us all to celebrate the power of entrepreneurship, worldwide!

Creative Ways to Make a Difference Through Your Work

Ultimate Mompreneur Brunch with Kelisha Mills Rachel Edmund GNASM

October 23rd is Make a Difference Day. The world is changing. There are moms who need help than ever before. In the past, moms who needed help would have had to go out and find it for themselves. But now there are many organizations that are dedicated to helping those in need. These organizations use a variety of strategies to make a difference in the lives of those they serve.

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