My 8 Step Planning Process That Promotes Consistency

My 8 Step Planning Process That Promotes Consistency

You have to set the stage for your planning. Get a clean quiet space. When your space is cluttered, and you know you don’t have a free mind, planning will be very difficult and it would not be as effective. My office space at home is always clean. I don’t allow my children to enter unless it’s absolutely necessary. I love to keep this space clean so that I can think, write and just be focused. Take a moment and exhale. Set your intentions in your mind. Gather your tools and let’s go to the next step.

How to Use Your Planner Effectively For Maximum Results In 2021

You are in the right place if you want to have a successful 2021 (and I know we
all want that right? 2020 was a year that, you know, was different. For some it was quite challenging. There was heartache for some, and others claim that it was the best year of their life. You are also in the right place if you are ready to have the best year of your life and if you want to find out more about how you can plan for this success that we are talking about. You’re also in the right place if you are having challenges remaining consistent with planning. I know that can be the case especially for women. And also if you are ready to set bigger goals and intentions for 2021.

Goal Setting In 2021 For Mompreneurs

Think back to the beginning of 2020. Like most mompreneurs, you started the new year with many goals and high optimism. What goals did you set? Maybe 2020 was the year you were going to lose weight, grow your business, set boundaries, practice self care, meet someone or improve your parenting.

How I Ditched My To-Do List And Quadrupled My Productivity

Ditched my to-do-list

For many years, I started off my day by reviewing my To-Do list that I wrote the night before. There would be at least 10 – 15 items that I would complete within the 15 hours I am awake. AND would do them all while being a mom of 4 children (who are now all homeschooled), wife, student, entrepreneur, not to mention holding down my day job!

What Do You Really, Really, Really Want?

If the 90’s British pop sensation ‘the Spice Girls’ ever get remembered for anything, I hope it’s for bringing the question ‘now tell me what you want, what you really, really want?’ to the mass consciousness!Now you may laugh at this, but when you really, really think about it, is there a more important question you could ask yourself?What is a want?A want is a desire. Whether or not we get what we want is often based upon the strength of our desires.I know many will probably argue with […]

Creating A Business From Necessity As A Woman / Mom Entrepreneur

As a woman (especially a mom) entrepreneur, it may be hard at times to realize that extra income that is needed to take care of your family. I know for sure I went through a few years of little or no income coming in. During those times, it is hard to be in a creative mode. However, if you take a moment to look at your situation, you will find that you CAN create a business from where you are! That is how I created Kingdom Women International, a personal development and consulting company f […]

You Are NOT Superwoman

As women entrepreneurs, we want to ensure things are running smoothly always.​I want to ask you a question. Do you have a team around you who is fully capable of getting things done, but instead of delegating, you try to do everything yourself? If that sounds like you, there’s a better way. Delegating tasks can be so difficult for some people. They act like a micro-manager who ensures that they see, do, and be everything. It’s hard for them to let others share […]

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