How to grow your business through Innovation

How to grow your business through Innovation: Blog by Kelisha Mills

In the context of business, Innovation is a process by which a domain, a product, or a service is renewed and brought up to date by applying new processes, introducing new techniques, or establishing successful ideas to create new value.

Goal Setting In 2021 For Mompreneurs

Think back to the beginning of 2020. Like most mompreneurs, you started the new year with many goals and high optimism. What goals did you set? Maybe 2020 was the year you were going to lose weight, grow your business, set boundaries, practice self care, meet someone or improve your parenting.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship In Your Children

Deep down, nearly every one of us wants to be an entrepreneur. However, forgoing your weekly paycheck to follow your true passion takes lots of self-confidence. Many of us lack that confidence. Therefore, a great portion of our lives may be spent working to build someone else’s wealth. If that confidence was instilled within us at a younger age, we might all have the courage to open up a business. Give your children the opportunity to truly be in charge of their lives by encouraging […]

Impossible Is Just A Word……

​Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn’t fantasized about being the one who scores the last shot to win the game? Who hasn’t dreamed of being the Miss Universe? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that – dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our […]

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