40 Things I Achieved By Age 40

40 Things I Achieved By Age 40

I’ve always seen those 40 under 40 awards being given by Forbes and in my Country, Trinidad & Tobago. I was determined to make the list! That dream did not come to reality, but I’m not letting that stop me from acknowledging how far I have come in my life and business.

So I’m creating my own 40 under 40 list of accomplishments! I always ask my audience what they appreciate and love the most about me. This helps me to understand the impact I make and what I can do to be better. I love to record my wins, big and small. It allows me to express more gratitude when I accomplish a goal.

Without further ado, here is my list of 40 things I accomplished under the age of 40.

Made my first income at age 10
Was chosen to sing for my Primary School Graduation
Led two church choirs at age 14
Spent summers on Richard Branson’s private island at age 14 (thank you Aunty Margaret)
Passed for my first choice Secondary School
Graduated with full passes from my Secondary School
Joined a girl group and sang at different events
Started working a full time job at age 19.
Travelled by myself to North America at age 20
Had my adorable son at age 25
Bought my first car at age 25
Started my first business which was a Franchise at age 27
Made my first million by age 28
Had my second child at age 30
Had third child at age 32
Had fourth child at age 34
Started my second business at age 36
Started University at age 36
Hosted my first Workshop for women entrepreneurs at age 36
Hosted my second Workshop at age 36
Got my first grant fund at age 36
Hired my first Business Coach at age 36
Won a $1,000 USD camera from my first business coach at age 36
Created my first Coaching offer at age 36
Hired my second Business Coach at age 37
Wrote my first and second E-Book at age 37
Made my first six figures in my Coaching/Consulting business at age 37
Started a new Corporate Job at age 39
Travelled to Italy and Paris for a Mastermind at age 38
Created my first High Ticket offer at age 38
Created my first website at age 38
Hired my third coach at age 39
Had my first Mom’s Night Out Event at age 39
Had my first, second and third speaking engagements at age 39
Published my first book (The Growth Hacking Book) as a collaboration at age 39
Booked a celebrity to speak at my Mom’s Night Out II Event (damn you Covid!)
Bought a second car at age 39
Launched and completed my second High Ticket Program: The Ultimate Mompreneur
Started my first US Based Company: Mompreneur Solutions LLC
Launched my first Physical product: The Ultimate Mompreneur Planner

I am sure you can list accomplishments according to your age too! When you are focused on your goals, you would make steps that will make you more experienced in your field. If you notice, there was a lull in my life from 28 – 36. That was the time when my business had crashed. I lost focus and found myself just existing (and having babies. LOL).

If you know my story, you would know that at age 36, my life changed when I decided that I deserved better. Business has changed my life! It gives me the opportunity to serve as well as change the lives of others. If I was not consistent and determined to succeed, I know of a few lives that would not have hope today.

As I enter the 40’s club, I know now, more than ever, that giving up is NOT an option. I get tired, yes, however, my dreams won’t let me come to a stop. This year, I hope (and I’m quite determined) to take my life to another level.

Yes! I have rewarded myself with my own 40 under 40!

Let me know some of your accomplishments that make you proud of yourself in the comments below.

P.S: Did you hear that The Ultimate Mompreneur Planner is launching this week! Stay tuned to our IG page and our new website www.theultimatemompreneurplanner.com this week for updates and to find out how you can get on the waitlist for this amazing product.

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