Hubspot notes a study from Edgerank Checker found that between February 2012 and March 2014, organic reach for the average Facebook Page dropped from 16% to 6.5%.

If you are just starting out, you may start growing by utilizing ORGANIC strategies. Like:
1. Social Media – Do contests
2. Website – Create content and drive traffic to your web page
3. Email List – Create Opt-ins and Lead Magnets

The Facebook algorithm allows those persons you interact with regularly to see your posts. That means that you should be focusing on relationships like Mark Zuckerberg suggested. Forming relationships with influencers will allow you to leverage their audience when they mention your events and courses, or by simply asking their audience to check out your page or a specific post.

There is one other strategy that trumps all of these and grows those three areas at the same time. You can have 10 influencers talking about you and your business for an entire week organically, spiking the engagement and mentions about your page! This is by hosting an Online Summit. I have just completed a 7 day online summit and the results were astounding. It is the fastest way to grow your audience and influence online.

Organizing a Summit is alot of work! Here are a few things you have to work out:

  • How many speakers you will have
  • Who will you invite to speak
  • What platform will you use for opt-ins and to host the summit 
  • What timeline do you have to work with
  • How will you promote the Summit
  • What e-mail sequence copy should you write
  • How can you monetize the Summit

I can show you step by step how you can host your own Online Summit like I did that grew my audience by 100% organically! My website views increased by over 30% with unique views, and I was talked about positively all over the main social media networks.

Sign up for only $50 for immediate access to this step-by-step training that will put you on the global map.

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