In last week’s Blog,  we looked at a four-step process that will enable us to identify the meaning of who we want to become. We learned how to create images in our minds of what life will be like when we have accomplished our goals. There are some important factors when establishing our life’s outcome which needs to be addressed if we are to remain juiced about it or stay motivated about it through the duration of acquiring the changes and the desired results. So, this week, we are going to talk about the factors that will keep that momentum towards the new life we are aiming towards.

Ways this can easily be remembered are as follows. Your goals should be:

1. Stated positively in terms of what we want. 

The human mind does not comprehend negatives. What do I mean by this? Well, for example, try not noticing the sensation in your stomach right now, or try not to think of the colour blue. It’s pretty much impossible because you first have to know what it is you are not thinking about, then replace it with something else. The human mind works using positives, so don’t state goals such as, “I don’t want to be overweight anymore.” Rather, state something like, “I want to become a healthy vibrant individual with lots of energy and passion for life.” Stating it this way and using this to form your images of your desired results will drastically increase your chances of achieving your life’s outcome.

2. Described in sensory-based language. 

Now that we have stated our outcome in positive language, we can now ask, “What will I see, hear and feel when I have my outcome?”. Doing this will help us to realise when we have fully realised our desires for our life. Close your eyes briefly and see the pictures of what it will be like when you achieve your desired outcome. Listen carefully to your surroundings as you realise your goal and see how that makes you feel inside. Doing this will set up your nervous system to continually look forward to achieving the goals and drive you towards them until achieved.

3. Self-initiated and self controlled. 

Although you can control your own mind and emotions, you cannot control those of others. So, for example, it would be futile to base outcomes on changing your spouse or parent(s). You must be in control of your desired outcome, and only you can know how and when to achieve it.

4. Appropriately contextualized. 

We need to build our outcomes for our lives so that it fits into all the appropriate areas of our lives. If we over generalize our outcomes, we may find that they are inappropriate in some areas in our lives. Think about when, where and with who you wish to have this outcome. Do you want it in all places and without limitations?

5. Maintain appropriate secondary gain

All of our present behaviour provides us with some positive values and outcomes. It may not always be obvious, but there will always be a positive intention behind the behaviour. You need to ensure that your outcome would be desirable in your entire ecology or system. For example, ask yourself what would you loose if you achieved your goals? Would you loose any personal time for yourself? Would it hinder your relationships with your family? Would you have to give up anything that you feel is important to have your success?

6. Build the needed resources. 

To have any desired outcome we need resources. If someone cannot clearly imagine themselves having the outcome it is often an indication that they do not have all the required resources. What do you have now, and what do you require to achieve your goals? Have you (or anyone else you know) ever done this before? Where can you find more information regarding your specific sensory based and well defined outcome?

7. Ecology check. 

In order to achieve anything in life, you need to ensure that it fits your entire system: your family, your work, your friends. Does it fit who you are or who you want to become? Ask the following questions and think about your answers before committing to the results you desire: 

  • What will happen if you get it? 
  • What won’t happen if you get it? 
  • What will happen if you don’t get it? 
  • What won’t happen if you don’t get it?



By now you should have a well-defined, sensory-based, and ecologically sound outcome for your life. You already knew deep inside what you wanted, but perhaps it has never been an appropriate time to think about it like this before. Now you should go and celebrate. Congratulate yourself and start dreaming about how you are going to start your journey to building a totally satisfied and truly peaceful you.

If you require any further help, please take the time to look through our other articles as they cover a wide variety of issues that Mompreneurs face. I just want you to achieve your best, and I know you are more than the sum of your parts. I’d love to help you take your life and business to the next level.

Find out how we can work together by going to my Home Page. You can Book A Discovery Call there.




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