How To Grow a Better Relationship And a More Successful Business While Working With Your Spouse

Better Relationship And a More Successful Business While Working With Your Spouse

If you speak to anyone who has a business with their spouse, they would tell you it is not for the weak. I have been in business with my husband for over 13 years. There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel. Differences in opinions and ideas caused many arguments. We had to learn how to work together. It took many, many years, but we are at a much better place today.

How to Keep Your Home Tidy With Children

Me: “Oh my gosh! This place is so messy!”

Proceeds to pick up toys, fix cushions, wash dishes, sweep and mop floors, febreze couches, make beds, clean bathroom, put clothes in baskets………..drops into my bed!

Me: “I’m so tired! You all don’t do anything to help me!”

Sound familiar? I’m sure it does!

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