The Ultimate Mompreneur VIP Day

For Mompreneurs who are ready to take their business
to the next level without their daily input.

Mompreneur Overwhelm Is Real! We All Want Highly Successful Businesses,But That Often Comes At A High Cost If The Right Framework Isn't In Place.

You’re the Ultimate Mompreneur! You
You Work Hard!

And to get accelerated clarity, you don’t mind investing in yourself to gain mental health and a solid plan.

You know growth takes time and you are willing to receive expert advice from a Mompreneur who has been where you are.

You Desire
But Right Now You…
Hamster Wheel


Now is your time to finally get that strategy in place so that you can step out of that hamster wheel and into your rightful place as the visionary and creative mind in your business.

Hi, I`m

Kelisha Mills

I’m just like you! Ambitious, have many responsibilites and I’ve got many persons who need my attention at home and in my business. Overwhelm got the better of my until I got burned out! We both know that’s not a good feeling as a mom. So, I made critical life and business changes that caused me to now live life on my terms, while increasing my productivity, wellbeing and income. I’ve restructured my business and helped over a hundred Mompreneurs pursue that symmetry, so they can have a successful business and a happy family.

Kelisha Mills seated

What if you can have uninterrupted time where you can get a plan that brings such clarity in one day as opposed to joining another 6-8 week coaching program?


The VIP Day Is All About You!

For the resilient mompreneur who has the desire to get shit done TODAY, so you can do whatever you desire tomorrow, or next week, or next month. What will this VIP Day with me look like?

This can be your reality, sooner than you think.




An exclusive and high impact experience where you will receive my undivided attention in an intimate environment to help you develop your Ultimate Mompreneur life, by decreasing the many touch points you currently hold in your business.

“Receive my undivided attention in an intimate environment to help you develop your Ultimate Mompreneur life.”

Relax. Learn, Grow

What`s Included?

Kelisha Mills writing something down

Your Investment
$7,500 USD $5,000

At the end of the day you will have

(And that’s just part of the amazing transformation you’ll discover!)

This Is For You If

You Can Upgrade To:


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