This past week, I finally messaged a good friend of mine after procrastinating for over a week. When she replied, I was shocked and saddened by the fact that she said she was ill for almost a month. I felt really bad because I got the nudges to call, but my “busy schedule” caused me to delay checking up on her. 

To my defence, I made the decision since the pandemic to check up more on my friends and family. I was off to a great start and began getting comfortable. Bi-monthy calls started becoming monthly calls. It’s so easy to ease back into a common way of doing things. This week’s events were a wake up call, again. You never know what your friend or family member is going through, especially during these challenging times. So, it’s very important to prioritize making space in your life for your loved ones. Business and self care aside, relationships should also be high on your agenda. 

Do you seem to never have enough time for your friends and family? You’re certainly not alone. The world is full of obligations and distractions that seem to take every available minute of our time, especially as a mompreneur.

What I’ve learned is that there’s always a way if you’re willing to examine your life and make a few changes. The most important people in your life are worth it!

Here are 6 ways to control your time and your life so you’re always in touch with your loved ones. 

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1. Track your time

For seven days, track every minute of your day. This is easier than you think. Every hour, on the hour, write down how you spent the last hour. A spreadsheet is convenient for this, because it’s easy to add everything up at the end of the week.    How much time do you spend on meals and cleaning up afterwards?

    •     How much time do you spend driving?
    •     Sleeping?
    •     Watching TV?
    •     Computer?
    •     Internet?
    •     Housework, chores, lawn care?
    •     Socializing?

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2. Analyze your data. Where are you wasting time? 

Are you spending time on activities that are unnecessary and unenjoyable? If so, why?

  •     Are there any areas where you could reduce the amount of time you spend?
  •     If you were forced to free up 5 hours per week, how would you do it? 10 hours? 20 hours?

Where can you replace some of that wasted time with at least three to four 15-minute voice or video calls to your closest relatives or friends? You can utilize Facetime, What’sApp Video, Skype, Facebook Video or Zoom. These are all free tools that won’t incur mobile phone charges.


3. Consider your options

Are there things you can get other people to do? Are there activities you can remove or minimize?

  •     Could your children clean up the yard? Could you hire a landscaping service?
  •     Could you pay someone else to clean your home?
  •     Is buying groceries really that enjoyable or is it just something that you’ve always done?
  •     Could you prepare meals that require less preparation and cleanup?
  •     Could you do something with your family instead of watching TV?
  •     Can you think of activities that would include both your friends and family? 

Write them down. 


4. Make a schedule 

Instead of trying to fit your friends and family around your other obligations and activities, try doing the opposite.

  • Schedule time with your closest friends and family at least once a week, and fit everything else around that time. It’s a simple change of perspective that makes a difference.
  • It’s like saving a certain amount of money at the beginning of each month rather than saving whatever is left over at the end of the month.
5. Practice saying “no” to requests and offers

The world will steal every minute from you if you allow it to. Your only real defence is uttering the word “no” more often.

  • You don’t have to attend every online party, wedding, or other social occasions. You don’t have to donate your time to anyone or anything if you don’t want to.
  • Keep your schedule with your loved ones and make that your first priority.
6. Be more efficient

Can you do a task faster?

  •  If you were more focused, could you get the same amount of work done in less time?
  •  If you had a better mower, would you finish sooner?
  •  If you expended a little more energy, could you finish a task with time to spare?
  • Could you use better technique?


You can have more control over your time than you’re currently demonstrating. All of the moms that seem to have plenty of free time are living the same 24-hour day that you are. If you’re willing to take a hard look at how you spend your time and remain flexible, you can find time for the people that are most important to you.

I hope this was helpful! Leave a comment below to let me know which point you will implement.

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