I hope you got the memo…..we’re not returning to normal. Life and business are forever changed. What we would have grown accustomed to has been forever changed, with no clear answers to what the next year (or even month) will look like. 

If you’re like me, you’re now spending much more time at home and with your children. Your priorities have shifted and you’ve become a teacher (of sorts) to your young ones. You were probably laid off or put on rotation. Your business may have closed, or you may have had to totally pivot. There has been an 180 degree turn to more than 90% of the human race. Nothing is really the same. 

We have all been through over 12 months of change. What I know for sure is that change is one of the things in life that is sure. I also know that those who prepare for that change usually come out on top. The popular quote says that you must prepare, or prepare to fail. That preparation can mean so many things. For today’s Blog post, though, I want to share with you five ways you can prepare your business for a post-Covid world. 

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Prepare your mind

It’s best to start a routine that will help you to practice mindfulness in your life and business. A new world system has been set in motion. We should do those things that help us maintain peace and sanity. A new reality can cause feelings of doubt and fear. The pandemic has affected many mompreneurs, especially in the area of mental health. Stress, overwhelm and wavering emotions have rocked parents and children alike. The best way to prepare your mind is to have lots of quiet time. Clear thinking is important to making good decisions. Some things you can do in your quiet time are:

  • Meditate
  • Sleep
  • Read
  • Walk
  • Do yoga
  • Listen to calming music
  • Pray

All of these activities prepare your mind to make life changing decisions. Be sure to trust your gut and move in the direction that your heart leads you.

Prepare your content

Your content must be sensitive to your audience. Remember, not everyone has a pleasant situation. While the pandemic has been a blessing for some, it has equally been a nightmare for others. Be aware of what will help your customer base during this time. Constant words of doom and gloom are not appropriate. Though times may be challenging, you must always remain in the position of a thought leader. That means you should be a problem solver and one that gives hope in even the most helpless situations. 

Additionally, you should also prepare your content according to a plan. Think about content topics that are relevant to the times we are living in. Your audience is looking for content that will be their saviour during these times. Video content is being consumed at a higher rate at this time. Take a moment to come up with some fun and educational ideas. If you get stuck, look at what others in your space are doing for inspiration. 

Everyone’s emails are being flooded with promotions and solutions. Try to stand out from the sea of emails by ensuring your headlines are catchy and give high value. This will increase your click-through rate.

Prepare your Processes and Systems

Getting through your day on the fly will not cut it in a post-covid world. Systems are important now, more than ever. If you have not implemented a plan of action for your life and business, I suggest you have one set up as soon as possible. A few systems that are important to a well structured business, especially for mompreneurs are: 


  • Inbound/Outbound Lead Flow
  • Pre-Sales and Marketing 
  • Customer Service
  • Hiring & Staffing
  • Leadership Development
  • Crisis Management
  • Follow Up
  • Financial
  • Productivity
  • Symmetry

Some processes and systems have become irrelevant, especially where in-person meetings are concerned. Some countries will implement restrictions or conditions to travel, and therefore, you must prepare your business for the impacts of this. If you would like help setting up those system, I’d be happy to help. Book a space on my calendar and let’s chat. 

Prepare your Offers

I mentioned before that you should be highly sensitive with your content. It is the same for your offers. As your business has evolved, so will the impact of your offers. In a post-Covid world, your business offers must take into consideration much more areas like:

  • Mental Health
  • Family dynamics
  • Accessibility to locations
  • Workforce dynamics

Many industries have been forced to close, so it is important for your offers to also be relevant and innovative. Think about other high-income areas like higher tiered products, consulting or new business services that will allow you to earn more with less input. Your compensation should allow you to have your team prepare the time consuming tasks, which would allow you to show up as your best self.

I hope these points help you in preparing for a post covid business. Shoot me a DM and let me know which point stood out to you the most.

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